That's the thing about dominance - we know them so well, and they can't even bother to imagine us.
from Shimmer
by Sarah Schulman
Avon Books, 1998
Great quotes from good (mostly) books.
That's the thing about dominance - we know them so well, and they can't even bother to imagine us.
On top, the flat summit plateau feels like a lost world - an island in the sky, cut off from civilization, sprouting manzanita and mariposa lilies, wild roses and yucca, Indian paintbrush and stout ponderosa pines. "My brother David and I used to sneak up here every chance we got when we were kids," says DeLoy Bateman. "Seemed like the only place where the religion couldn't control us."
A man in love walks through the world like an anarchist, carrying a time bomb.
What is the primary process but the electoral version of American Idol?
This reminds Wang that it's always good to include in such meetings one or two people with no imagination whatsoever; they ask the obvious questions that force everyone to not overlook the obvious.
"Sometimes I sneak around a listen in subways. Or I listen in soda foundations, And do you know what?